about us

Welcome to the blog of KLJB Augsburg, KLJB Mainz (Germany) and CARYM Eldoret (Kenya). This should be our platform to stay in contact to each other and to communicate. Published are posts concerning current issues from the international workgroups AKI/InTeam and of the diocesan boeard of CARYM Eldoret.

AKI meeting on 31.08.2011

We met in diocesan office in Augsburg on 31st of August with the following agenda and results:

Reflection of the exchange in Gestratz and Augsburg 
First we talked about the statements of the boxes and after that everybody was able to tell five points he/she 1. liked 2. wants to mention 3. didn´t like 4. wants to continue with the exchange because... 5. had lack of time

Further we talked about a "Thank-you letter" for the abbeys who donated money for the exchange. This job was delegated to Anna who will send the letters.

Refering to our first postprocessingweekend form 8th to 10th of September about the exchange in Germany 2011 we organized the meals we´ll cook because AKI is responsible for the food. 

Franzi is searching for a able house to stay during the preparationweekend in November 2011.

In the diocesan office of Augsburg exists a folder with informations about the exchange and other AKI topics. This folder will be digitised by Franzi and Anna.

Best wishes from Augsburg